Sunday, June 10, 2007

"Followin' Jesus"

Pastor AJ's sermon this morning was about "Followin' Jesus" - is there really anything else?

New insight into the last passage of John 21, where Jesus asks Peter 3 times, "Do you love me?", then the directive "Feed my sheep"... I never thought of it this way before, in fact I always thought it rather redundant to have asked the same question and given the same directive 3 times, but AJ, this morning, drew for us the parallel between Peter's denial of Jesus THREE TIMES, and Jesus' questioning of Peter THREE TIMES. I love it when I learn something new out of something I have heard/read so many times...
Also, when Jesus tells Peter, "when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go", Jesus was not talking about someone taking Peter by the hand... The stretching out of his hands will be in crucifixion... Then Jesus said to Peter, "Follow Me".
I Have Decided To Follow Jesus

I have decided to follow Jesus;

I have decided to follow Jesus;

I have decided to follow Jesus;

No turning back, no turning back.

The world behind me, the cross before me;

The world behind me, the cross before me;

The world behind me, the cross before me;

No turning back, no turning back.

*and the verse that really got to me this morning...*

Though none go with me, still I will follow;

Though none go with me, still I will follow;

Though none go with me, still I will follow;

No turning back, no turning back.

Do you ever feel like you are going this road alone? Do you ever wonder, as Peter did, "Hey, what about him...what about her... Are You asking the same of them as You are of me?" Or, "There are none who go with me..." I sure do...

What inspires you?

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